React Rendering Behavior



"Rendering" is the process of React asking your components to describe what they want their section of the UI to look like, now, based on the current combination of props and state.

// This JSX syntax:
return <MyComponent a={42} b="testing">Text here</MyComponent>

// is converted to this call:
return React.createElement(MyComponent, {a: 42, b: "testing"}, "Text Here")

// and that becomes this element object:
{type: MyComponent, props: {a: 42, b: "testing"}, children: ["Text Here"]}

// And internally, React calls the actual function to render it:
let elements = MyComponent({...props, children})

// For "host components" like HTML:
return <button onClick={() => {}}>Click Me</button> 
// becomes
React.createElement("button", {onClick}, "Click Me")
// and finally:
{type: "button", props: {onClick}, children: ["Click me"]}


Render and Commit Phases

Each render pass is divided into two main sections:

"Render phase"

Contains all the work of rendering components and calculating changes. (This phase can be interrupted / split into multiple sections / thrown away.)

  • React loops over the entire component tree, finds components marked for updates
  • Calls components to render them and collects the element tree

"Commit Phase"

Contains the work of applying those changes to the DOM, plus effects / lifecycles:

  • All DOM updates are applied, synchronously
  • Layout effects and class component lifecycles run, sync

The useEffect hooks run on a short delay after the commit phase is done, to let the browser have a chance to paint in between.

Rendering a component will, by default, cause all components inside of it to be rendered too!

Similarly: In normal rendering, React does not care whether "props changed" - it will render child components unconditionally just because the parent rendered!


"Rendering" vs "DOM Updates"

Note that "rendering" does not automatically mean "updates to the DOM":

  • Conceptually, we can think of rendering as "redrawing the entire UI", and React does loop through the whole tree
  • But, a component may return an equivalent tree of elements as last time, in which case React's reconcilation sees "no change needed here" and there are no DOM updates needed for that component
  • React did have to "render" the component to find that out first

Rendering is not a bad thing - it's how React knows whether it needs to actually make any changes to the DOM!


React stores component "instances" and metadata in internal "Fiber" objects:

  • Class instance or hooks array
  • Current props and state
  • Pointers to parent, sibling, and child components
  • Other internal metadata that React uses to track the rendering process

These are the real data for each component!


Component Types and Reconciliation

React reuses existing component instances and DOM nodes as much as possible. However, to speed up reconciliation:

  • it compares old and new component types at a location
  • if prevElement.type !== currElement.type, it assumes the entire subtree will be different

That means React will destroy that entire existing component tree section, including all DOM nodes, and recreate it from scratch with new component instances.

For correct behavior, you must never create new component types while rendering, because that creates new references!

// ❌ BAD!
// This creates a new `ChildComponent` reference every time!
function ParentComponent() {
  function ChildComponent() {    
    return <div>Hi</div>
  return <ChildComponent />

// ✅ GOOD
// This only creates one component type reference
function ChildComponent() {
  return <div>Hi</div>

function ParentComponent() {
  return <ChildComponent />


Keys and Reconcilation

React identifies component instances via  <SomeComponent key="someValue">:

  • Not actually a real "prop" - it's an instruction to React
  • React always strips key out, so you can never have props.key

Keys are primarily used for list item identity, especially when adding/reordering/deleting items. This ensures each item is updated correctly.

Keys should be some kind of unique IDs from your data if at all possible - only use array indices as keys as a fallback, and never use random values!


Render Batching and Timing

Each call to setState() queues a render pass. However, React "batches" multiple queued updates in the same event loop tick into one combined render pass, executed at the end of the tick in a "microtask". 

  • React <= 17.x: batching done only in React event handlers by default ( onClick, etc)
  • React 18.x: "automatic batching" applied all the time
const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0);

const onClick = async () => {
  const data = await fetchSomeData();
  • React 17 - three total renders:

    • setCounter(0/1) batched together
    • async causes new event loop tick
    • setCounter(2) and setCounter(3) each render sync, separately
  • React 18 - two total renders:

    • setCounter(0/1) batched together
    • async causes new event loop tick
    • setCounter(2/3) batched in this tick


"Async Rendering" and Closures

const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0);

const handleClick = () => {
  setCounter(counter + 1);
  // Why is this not updated yet??????

Extremely common user mistake: set new value, then try to log the existing variable. Why doesn't this work?

Common shorthand answer: "React rendering is async", but really two reasons:

  • The actual render will be sync, but later, at the end of the event loop
  • The event handler is a "closure", and still sees the original counter value at the time the component last rendered!
