HTML Highlight Text

const escapeRegExp = (inputString: string) =>
  // Escape characters with special meaning either inside or outside character sets.
  // Use a simple backslash escape when it’s always valid, and a `\xnn` escape when the simpler form would be disallowed by Unicode patterns’ stricter grammar.
  inputString.replace(/\[|\{}()[]^$+*?.]/g, '\$&').replace(/-/g, '\x2d');
const defaultGetHighlightRegex = (highlightValue: string) => new RegExp(escapeRegExp(highlightValue), 'gi');
export const highlight = (text: string, highlightValue: string, customGetHighlightRegex: any) => {
  const getHighlightRegex = customGetHighlightRegex || defaultGetHighlightRegex;
  const highlightRegex = getHighlightRegex(highlightValue);
  const matches = text.match(highlightRegex) || [];
  const remaining = text.split(highlightRegex).filter((w) => matches.indexOf(w) === -1);

  return remaining.reduce(
    (acc, nonMatch, nonMatchIndex) => [
      nonMatch || null,
      matches[nonMatchIndex] ? <strong key={`${text}${nonMatchIndex}`}>{matches[nonMatchIndex]}</strong> : null,
<span>{highlight("doan", "do", undefined)}</span>