Query hierarchal data using TSQL
select distinct id, client-level, root-id, path
level as client-level,
CONNECT_BY_ROOT w1.id as root-id,
SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH((w1.id ) || '|' , '=>') path
select *
from table-name
where ultimate_parent_id='0516013318'
) w1
start with w1.id = w1.ultimate_parent_id
connect by nocycle prior w1.id = w1.parent_id
) w2
order by root-id asc, client-level asc;
-- Oracle selects the root row(s) of the hierarchy (those rows that satisfy the START WITH condition)
-- Oracle selects the child rows of each root row. Each child row must satisfy the condition of the CONNECT BY condition with respect to one of the root rows.
-- to find the children of a parent row, Oracle evaluates the PRIOR expression of the CONNECT BY condition for the parent row and the other expression for each row in the table.
-- for example, first cycle, in this case, find all rows that parent-eci = 0516013318